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Why Choose A Penetration test

A penetration test is an essential tool for identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your systems, networks, or applications. It simulates real-world attacks, providing insights into potential entry points and the exploitability of vulnerabilities. By performing penetration testing, you can address vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.


Penetration testing also evaluates the effectiveness of your existing security controls and measures. It helps determine whether your firewalls, intrusion detection systems, access controls, and other security mechanisms are functioning correctly. If there are any gaps that need to be addressed, a penetration test will help you identify them.


By uncovering vulnerabilities and weaknesses, a penetration test enables you to prioritize and mitigate the most critical risks. It helps you understand the potential impact of an attack, both in terms of data breaches and operational disruptions. This allows you to allocate resources and implement appropriate security measures.


Penetration testing also provides an opportunity to evaluate your organization's incident response capabilities. It allows you to test your team's readiness in detecting, containing, and responding to a simulated attack. This can help identify gaps in your incident response procedures and provide valuable insights for refining your incident response plans.


In many industries and regulatory frameworks, regular security assessments, including penetration testing, are required to ensure compliance. Conducting penetration tests helps demonstrate your commitment to security and fulfill regulatory obligations, avoiding penalties and reputational damage.


By regularly conducting penetration tests, you can demonstrate to your customers and stakeholders that you take their security seriously. It builds trust, assures them that you have robust security measures in place and differentiates you from competitors who may not prioritize security testing.


Finally, the threat landscape is constantly evolving, with new vulnerabilities and attack techniques emerging regularly. Penetration testing helps you stay proactive and adaptive by identifying emerging threats and testing your defenses against them. It allows you to make informed decisions about security investments and keep pace with evolving security challenges.


Conducting a penetration test is crucial for understanding your organization's security posture, identifying vulnerabilities, mitigating risks, complying with regulations, and enhancing your overall security defenses. It is an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy and helps you maintain a robust and resilient security posture.

How is a penetration different the a vulnerability assesment

Penetration Testing

At Ares Security, we conduct manual and thorough penetration testing by our professional and certified ethical hackers. We ensure to present a professional report with detailed screen shots and proof of concept methods to remove any false positives during the test.


Our testers begin by identifying security risks that may have been missed by a vulnerability scanner. They then use their findings to chain attacks and identify critical vulnerabilities that may lead to exploited systems. Our focus is on the requirements discussed in the scoping phase.


We use our testing methods to identify ways to breach your network perimeter and access your system. Our aim is to help you identify security gaps and reduce your threat level.


Once we have identified a weakness in your perimeter, we provide a detailed report that presents the issue, steps to replicate the vulnerability, and remediation techniques to help resolve the security flaw.

Vulnerability Assestment

A vulnerability scan, also called a "vuln scan," is a security assessment that uses automated software to test a specific target. The automated scan identifies common issues, such as vulnerable software in use. However, it may provide false positives because the software only tests with pre-configured attacks and may only identify changes in the system or the version number. It does not chain or test attack attempts to identify the actual vulnerability. 


Anyone can initiate a vuln scan or automate the process. This is why vuln scans are so popular, as they meet regulatory requirements and ensure that some security controls are in place. However, vuln scans should not replace a penetration test, which is necessary to truly identify gaps in your security posture.


Overall, while vuln scans should be conducted regularly, it is important to remember that they have their limitations and should be supplemented with other security measures.

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