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Strengthening Security Through Tactical Testing

Welcome to our elite cybersecurity command center, specializing in military-grade penetration testing and secure operations. Welcome to our state-of-the-art cybersecurity command center, where we specialize in providing military-grade penetration testing and secure operations.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions to keep your data safe from cyber threats. With our advanced technology and unparalleled expertise, you can rest assured that your organization's critical information is in good hands. Join us today to experience the highest level of cybersecurity protection available.

Find your weak points with Penetration Testing.
Penetration Testing, or pentest for short, is an offensive security approach to test against cyber-attacks in your system using actual methods and techniques.

We identify your weakness before the bad guys do. When a weakness is found we provide remediation to ensure your safety.  
Our penetration testers utilize attack surface mapping to identify all assets attached to your organizations. 
Why Conduct a Penetration Test

Identify Hidden Risks

If there is a security vulnerability within your system from a misconfiguration or unpatched system, an attacker will find it.


Our Military experience allows us to identify and utilize the same tactics as the bad guys to secure your system.

Test Your Apps

Test your application before going live. When changes or additions in an application are made, they need to be tested for security not just QA. 

We ensure that changes or new application have the required security in place. We ensure your hard work is safe and not an easy target for attackers. 

Reduce Your Attack Surface

Shadow IT and unknown endpoints introduces vulnerabilities in your system. You can't secure your system when your unaware of what your assets are. 

Our penetration testers are able to identify these gaps by mapping out your attack surface to help reduce it. 

Boosting Efficiency

Streamlining Security Management and Response Strategies.

We assist by testing your response time by testing your security tools and groups, to reduce down time. We help your team know what to look for before it's too late.

Enhance Security Posture

Utilizing our penetration tester strengthens your defense by testing the security practices set in place. Testing your security posture is essential to ensure all aspects of your system are covered and secured.


We take an outsider's perspective to ensure you've covered everything.

Improving Compliance

Penetration testing is an essential method for several regulatory compliance organization. 

These include PCI, DSS, HIPPA, GLBA, SOC 2, ISO 27001.

What Type of Penetration Test is best?

Ares Security penetration tester's do not rely on scanning tools to find vulnerabilities in your organization. Instead, our focus is on manual testing to uncover finding that are often missed.

Through tactical operations from the intel provided we formulate an attack plan to secure your system. Threat Modeling can be utilized to map out potential vulnerabilities within your system.

Our years of conducting military operation allow our career professionals to identify weak points in your system. We don't stop there; through tactical methodology we actively work to exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to your network.

All of our testing is specifically crafted for your security requirements. Are focus is based on your needs and the security goals in place.

External Network Penetration Test

The most popular choice for customers with an internet presence. We start by looking at your external facing systems.


We then attempt to breach your network perimeter to gain unauthorized access to critical systems and obtain critical information. 

Web Application Penetration Testing

We utilize the OWASP Top 10 and other common security best practices to identify flaws in websites and application services. 

Our focus is on the application, the database, API calls to identify if an attacker can gain access to your services or your internal network. 

Internal Network Penetration Test

Internal Pentesting, also known as a Red Team Engagement, simulates the impact of malicious insiders.

We start by examining your network for vulnerabilities and configuration issues that lead to compromise. We also work with your SOC to help identify insiders to remove them before they can conduct harm.

API Penetration Testing

API testing focuses on the API calls utilized by your website or services. We attempt to identify any weakness that may leak sensitive data.

During testing we focus on authentication tokens and API's that may lead to unauthorized access utilizing the same techniques attacker use.

ICS Penetration Test

Industrial Controle Systems have become an area of concern, due to the lack of security in use on these sensitive systems.

Testing is focused on all types of controllers including SCADA systems used by power grids, water treatment, and oil platforms. Our testing focuses on the PLC, RTU and other systems that may have security gaps to find vulnerabilities. 

Application Penetration 

Desktop Applications on a system tend to lack the security configuration required due to the lack of external exposure.

During testing we focus on how the application communicates and functions with DLL's, API's, and databases. 

Cloud Penetration Test

Cloud-based infrastructure undergoes tactical penetration testing through a combination of automated and manual methods.


Ares Security focuses on specific threats and cloud configurations, followed by strategic exploitation, and detailed reporting for targeted security enhancements.

Mobile Application Penetration Test

Using a combination of emulators and hardware, our testers focus on your mobile application. Testing is conducted on both Android and iOS platforms.

We focus on device security, platform configuration, and mobile API elements that handle credentials, management, and data compartmentalization.

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